Clock Dashboard with Google Calendar integration.

I have a couple of old android phones lying around the house. There are lots of cool uses for these relics of the past. The internet is full of ideas about how to use them. But until I find the time and need to put them to better use, they mostly serve me as clocks.

They can obviously do much more than that but one simple smartness I decided to add to them is to make them remind us of house hold chores at the right time. Since they are very strategically placed (one by the TV, one by my desk) we look at them a lot. Of course reminding us that we are getting late for work is important, but it will be much better to remind us to pay rent in time, buy groceries, pay credit card bills etc.

I thought of a couple of ways to do it and wanted to write a native app initially. Then I realized it will be much easier and simpler to write a html file which can show the clock. It could read a list of reminders and show us.

Soon ideas started to come to me, and I ended up doing google calendar integration. It wasn't very hard. Its as simple as following the getting started tutorial.

I also uploaded it to my web site so that others can use it as well. As for the source code, its a html file, so view source will tell you all there is.

Now the color scheme is hard coded and it only shows the next event if its less that 48 hours away but more stuff might be added in the future. And when I do add more stuff, all the clocks are gonna update themseleves. :)

Ohh also you would need to set the developer option to keep the screen awake when charging. Or you could use a keep screen on app. Also if you want to make it fullscreen like I have done, you can add it to desktop from Chrome. It then open in fullscreen.

Calendar Clock:
Programming: Html, javascript, css
API: Google Calendar API
Requirements: Android Phone, Google Chrome Browser, Developer option to screen ON.